Veterans’ Advocacy

The welfare of our veterans is a cause close to my heart, especially as the mother of a son who bravely served our country. My commitment is to ensure that our veterans are treated with the highest honor and provided with the support they deserve, a mission born from both personal connection and national duty. I am advocating for comprehensive healthcare access for our veterans. No more waiting lines at veterans’ hospitals; our heroes deserve the freedom to receive quality healthcare wherever they choose. It’s a matter of respect and duty to those who have sacrificed so much for us.

Child Safety and Anti-Trafficking Efforts

Protecting our children from the horrors of trafficking is not just a policy stance for me; it’s a crusade against a profound evil. I am wholly dedicated to creating a safe, nurturing environment for our children, free from the threats that endanger their innocence and future. All enemies, foreign and domestic, aiding, orchestrating, and benefitting in any way in these reprobate acts will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, so help me God!

National Security and Border Protection

A strong, secure nation is the foundation of our freedom and prosperity. My advocacy for secure borders is an unwavering commitment to the safety and sovereignty of our country, ensuring a secure homeland for all Americans.

Support for American Leadership and Unity

Firm support for leadership that promotes American strength, prosperity, and unity, aligning with the principles of American exceptionalism.

Free Our Nation

A Vision for Tomorrow: My campaign slogan, “Free Our Nation,” is more than words; it’s a vision for an America where liberty and justice are realities for all. It embodies my hope and plan for a nation that cherishes freedom and offers boundless opportunities to its people.